Best of times, worst of times…

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”

Charles Dickens’ words now feels prophetic and has never been more true. This is no longer a Tale of Two Cities, but a Tale of All Cities.

In these unprecedented and unsettling times, we need to turn to each other and work out together what good can come of this. This is a difficult thing to do, and to contemplate, while there is so much suffering for so many. Heartache, uncertainty and anxiety about an uncertain future have moved into our homes and lives, onto our televisions and social media platforms. Like an unseen virus, anxiety and worry can affect us in profound ways. Like this virus, some will show few symptoms, but still carry it; while others may show it clearly and become very much affected by it. In time, we will hopefully grow an immunity to this version of it.

As leaders of teams, families and communities, let us focus on how we can provide optimism where panic currently rules. Adapting to changing needs and finding creative ways to respond is one of the biggest contributions we can make. Our own energy and positivism should be contagious and support those under pressure.

Let’s work together to make sure the new normal is used to benefit our communities, the world, protect the planet and reduce our footprint. Let us keep each other going.

I suspect many of us will find unexpected benefits to be preserved and nurtured, to help us develop a new normal.

Stressful situations and crises bring out the best in some, the worst in others. Let us focus on how to help each other get through this together. Let us support the vulnerable, act without self-interest and with empathy, be heedful of our own vulnerability and remain in service of those we lead and are surrounded by.

Let us dare. Let us work to come out of this stronger – more community, humanity and climate minded, more resilient.